Va’eira 5785


Waning warning wellness[1]

ויאמר יקוק אל-משה אמר אל-אהרן נטה את-מטך והך את-עפר הארץ והיה לכנם בכל ארץ-מצרים
Hashem said to Moshe: “Tell Aharon to stretch out your staff and hit the earth, and it will become lice throughout all of Egypt”[2]

This week’s parsha introduces us to the concept of the Ten Plagues. Seven appear in this week’s parsha and the final three in the next. A careful examination will show that the first nine follow a pattern where there are two plagues preceded with a warning to Pharaoh to let the Jews go, and then the third plague comes without warning. This means that the plagues of lice, boils, and darkness all came without warning. Why is this? What’s the reason?

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